Dec 13, 2023Liked by Stephen Bradford Long

The far left’s reaction to the Hamas October 7 attack on civilians didn’t surprise me, and yet it did – I knew that people were sympathetic to Hamas, but I assumed there would be some pretense of caring about civilian murder, that this wouldn’t just be dismissed or outright denied.

So this is my second awakening (becoming woke). I’m realizing that I had a default assumption that when something is coded as “progressive” it must be morally and ethically superior – and if I don’t fully understand to the Nth degree, or some things don’t make sense, then I must double-down and try harder to understand and “educate” myself (by reading within the bubble) – but not seriously question it… Which is similar to how people approach the Bible and dogma.

But now I no longer have that default assumption – this doesn’t mean I am running to the right, but the default assumption that something that is called “progressive” is actually progressive or good is just gone now.

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Well said, and thank you for sharing. I am right there with you.

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Dec 16, 2023Liked by Stephen Bradford Long

Insanely awesome interview. What great insight - I just wish more people understood they have the key to escape a truly oppressive culture. Just ordered JR's most recent book. Thank you!

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Glad you enjoyed it! Rauch is pretty awesome.

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Stephen Bradford Long

Probably my favorite episode of sacred tension so far!! you did so well! Extremely proud of you, your honesty, your authenticity, and your growth! ♥️

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Thank you friend <3

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I haven't been doing my homework. My bad. I will get to your new posts, honest I will. Here is my new new essay! I hope you like it!"Lil' Fink's Christmas" https://candicec.substack.com/p/lil-finks-christmas

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Thanks for sharing! I enjoyed that

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I have horrible regrets for taking down my own writing "The House of Mr. Greaves" on my twitter feed because I feared blow back. I still feel guilty. I have put it back on twitter. Your discussion on dangerous writing really helped me. Thank you. https://candicec.substack.com/p/the-house-of-mr-greaves

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I'm so glad my writing is helping you find more courage in writing. I will check out that piece! Haven't read that one yet.

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Thank you for your consideration.

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