You are seriously one of the best people and someone I admire. I’m sorry you’re going thru this. For what it’s worth, I’m in your corner and whatever I can do to help you through this, you can count on it 🤘🏽🫂

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I'm so sorry you're in such a horrible place. I remember when my cPTSD was at its worst and I would never wish that place on anyone. I love reading your insights and your perspective and I'll happily wait as long as it takes for the human being to be ready for that again. In the meantime, I'm sending you all the love, grace, and forgiveness that our brains sometimes try to deny us.

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Stephen, I, like many others, stand by you.

Even in this darkness, you give your readers something.

Do not apologise because of the money we spent supporting this substack -- I did it as a form of support to you, because I like your writing. Your thoughts enrich mine. Neither I, nor I believe 99% of your readers, expect you to "perform" no matter what because we paid some money.

Hold on and push through, kid. Trite though the truth sounds, there is no darkness without light. You have friends at your side.

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^^^^This! Thank you!

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Stephen, you are such a powerful voice who has changed so many lives. You are an amazing asset to the intellectual life of this country. And the personal cost of such deep engagement is high. I am just a podcast listener and Substack reader…I don’t know you at all. Perhaps I speak for some of your listeners and readers in saying that you are a very important influential person in my life because of your courage and curiosity, and intellectual leadership. Because of this, for me you are SO beloved, from a distance, and supported, and treasured. My thoughts are with you.

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So sorry to hear this. I hope things get better

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So sorry to hear this Stephen. I wish I had an answer. Hopefully you will find a good and caring mental health professional who can help. Hang in there. We are all pulling for you.

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Hey Stephen! So sorry to hear about your mental situation. I've been in very dark places myself, so I have an idea of how you're feeling. Do reach out if you think that I can be of any help.

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Take your time. Take care of yourself first. I for one will continue to support you. I’m sure I’m not the only one. And I’ve been to that special form of mental and emotional hell myself. If you hug, give yourself a hug from me. Strength and love to you. - Betsy

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While I don't think you have to explain yourself to anyone, I appreciate the transparency and I'm glad to hear from you. I was thinking about you today. I went back and listened to the 3rd meditation you did back in December, to help me get back to sleep this morning. You have a soothing voice and the mediations have helped me clear my head. I'm so sorry that you are having such a horrible time. Mental health struggles are a motherfucker. It can seem never ending and I can empathize to a limited degree. Rest assured I'm not going anywhere as a subscriber, as your podcast and writings have helped me navigate my Satanism and I have learned so much from you. I hope you feel better soon. Please take care of yourself. We'll all be here waiting. 🫂❤️

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Hi Stephen, so sorry to hear you’re going through this - it sounds awful. I always appreciate reading your writing. Wishing you all the best.

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Hi Stephen it's Fred Murray aka Chris. If you want to talk reach out to me. I've been in dark places myself. I've even been doing the therapist shopping myself.

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Yey, take your time.

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Yeah. I second that. Self-care is always the most important!

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You are loved and respected. I will always appreciate your willingness to listen and to speak, and I remain incredibly thankful that you allowed me an opportunity to guest on your blog. Patience is something I have in abundance for you. Rest and heal.

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Hi Stephen, I appreciate your writing. I started reading your material on Wordpress, so I mostly read your material for free. I should have subscribed sooner. Please keep writing!

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I think you're a talented writer and content creator, I'm genuinely heartbroken that you are in such a dark place, leaving your substack would feel wrong and I wouldn't dream of leaving. We all need time to take care of ourselves. I know you'll find your way through the darkness. You'll always have my admiration and support.

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We all care about you so very much - Take the time you need to heal yourself and don't worry about us!

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