Jul 30Liked by Stephen Bradford Long

Your vulnerability and your writing are such gifts. I am grateful for how they inform my own thoughts, but such gifts also come at an incredible, painful cost. I am mindful of that as well. Man! this is a struggle, a life-long one, and one that doesn't have an assured healing or ending. A burden that so evidently also influences who you are and how you share that vulnerable blessed life with others.

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Thank you so much, William ❤️ you are right that this is a lifelong struggle, and I’m so glad that you appreciate my work.

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This has been a ridiculously tough year for you. I'm glad to see you pulling it together bit by bit. No need to hurry. Take your time.

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Thank you Bo ❤️

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Thank you for sharing your difficult journey. You open the way for better understanding of what it is like to deal with mental health challenges. I am so glad you are reemerging.

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Thank you ❤️

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It's so wonderful to hear that you are doing better. It sounds like you are remembering to listen to those self-healing instincts so you can continue to build yourself just as strong, if not stronger. So glad you are doing better and let me know if you need anything. I'm always happy to help. I also look forward to your posts but never at the cost of your own well-being. If I may share, I always say that my sobriety comes first. If anything threatens that then I have to quit because if I'm high then I will not be helpful to anything or anyone around me. Hail you!

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Thank you so much C&C. It’s good to hear from you, and I’ve missed reading your comments

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Jul 30Liked by Stephen Bradford Long

Thank you for expressing your vulnerability in such an honest and articulate way. I am in a very similar place in life. I also have bipolar II and sounds like I am also the same age. Hearing you express these trials makes me feel not so alone. You're absolutely right that it's not like what is portrayed on social media.

Kudos to you for reaching out for help and resources in such a tough time. Recognizing that support is such a big deal. Hail therapy and supportive partners!

I'd love to hear more about your journey with diet and exercise. I battle the cognitive dissonance everyday of knowing the right things to do for my body and mind, but not being able to overcome the hump of nailing down a consistent routine.

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Bex, thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts. I’m so glad the article was helpful.

Also, that’s a fantastic idea for an upcoming article. I’ve been toying with one called “Bipolar Monasticism” about the life routines and structures I’ve had to put in place. I think I will start working on that.

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Jul 31Liked by Stephen Bradford Long

🫂 You're right mental illness is the monster lurking in the dark conners of ones mind and no it isn't pretty or quirky. It's a battle one fights with one's own mind. A battle that many lose. I'm glad you haven't lost that fight Stephen and I know your loved ones are proud that you are doing all you can, yes even your cats. Stephen tell me a story about your cats and about one of your walks in nature maybe a time you needed to see a favorite tree. Tell us about that tree and your cats.

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Thanks so much Fred, and it’s great to hear from you. I’ve considered doing some nature writing before - I think I will give it a try

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Jul 30Liked by Stephen Bradford Long

It's heartening to hear you are piecing yourself back together. Much love!

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Thank you Clare ❤️

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Jul 30Liked by Stephen Bradford Long

I am happy to hear that you are healing. I hope that you continue this recovery path and take all the time you need. As far as what to write about I'm at a loss for suggestions but if I do think of anything I will comment here or reply to the email.

Much love to you 🫂❤️

Apologies if this is duplicated. 8 commented earlier and it seems to have disappeared.

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Thank you so much ❤️

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Jul 31Liked by Stephen Bradford Long

You are welcome .and lol I realized I commented on the note part. 🤦‍♀️

Anyhow I hope you continue to feel better ❤️

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Aug 17Liked by Stephen Bradford Long

This was great, edifying, and yet galling.

I know well the cost of years consumed by my own schizoeffective whatchyacallits. "Bipolar II" (electric boogaloo?) this is the language of people with access to doctors. Such enormous largess and its not clear the outcomes improve one bit. Same black hole. I know you know of what I speak.

My (re-)conversion to Christianity at what I still hope turns out to be midlife afforded at least a mystical perspective on my suffering. My anger at what was lost, at what was taken advantage of, at the invitation to abuse by clout seekers, I wouldn't know what to do otherwise. I know people in my position tend to end up in prison or dead or otherwise succumbed to violence. At 45 years old I have never once so much as raised a fist in anger (or confusion) and this is literally my only achievement. When I'm 90 it will be only achievement. And it is golden.

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I understand ❤️ thanks so much for sharing, friend.

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Aug 1Liked by Stephen Bradford Long

I'm glad you're doing better, I love your writing. I've been ignorant about mental health but your work has given me insight and a better understanding. I'm thankful you are willing to share your story.

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Thank you so much, friend, and I’m glad that my writing on mental illness has been helpful ❤️

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Aug 1Liked by Stephen Bradford Long

I’m so sorry that this is your life, and that you have to work 100x as hard to experience life at maybe 10% normalcy.

I am struck by how much you value yourself, as is evident by everything you do to fight for your survival and quality of life, and though I hate the circumstances that make it necessary, I admire its beauty. You are absolutely worth fighting for, and I’m glad you believe that.

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Thank you. It’s helpful to have that pointed out to me sometimes.

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Jul 31Liked by Stephen Bradford Long

“There is more to life, i now see, than regret and anguish and fear.” ♥️🫂

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Jul 31Liked by Stephen Bradford Long

So glad to hear that you are coming out of the mental hell you were in. When you're up to it, I would love to hear about the strength you get from your long-time partner and how having a steady, faithful relationship impacts your mental health. I also second the request for a story about a hike in nature and your cats. Praying for your process of recovery!

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Thank you! And those are wonderful suggestions

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Jul 31Liked by Stephen Bradford Long

It's wonderful to have you back Stephen. You're writings are so inspiring to me. I hope your recovery continues, take the time you need. We'll all be here when you're ready

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Thank you, brother. I’m glad you take inspiration from my writing.

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